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Product Name:Spectrometers
Place of Origin:Peoples Republic of China
Post Date:May 21, 2009
Edit Date:May 21, 2009
Company Name :
Hongfa (HK) Stainless Steel Products Co., Ltd
Add:Si Qian Town,Xin Hui city, Guangdong Province, Xinhui, Guangdong, China 529159
Detailed Product Description:

Spectrometer 6" circle, 30 seconds of an arc, vernier readable by two opposite verniers.

RSP-601 Spectrometer 6" circle, 1 minute of an arc, vernier readable by two opposite verniers.
RSP-630 Spectrometer 6" circle, 30 seconds of an arc, vernier readable by two opposite verniers.
RSP-701 Spectrometer 7" circle, 1 minute of an arc, vernier readable by two opposite verniers.
RSP-730 Spectrometer 7" circle, 30 seconds of an arc, vernier readable by two opposite verniers.
 RSP-720 Spectrometer 7" circle, 10 seconds of an arc, vernier readable by two opposite

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